How to use

This article describes how you can use the H-tag editor tag helper in your views.

Browse to /Views/_ViewImports.cshtml in your Umbraco project and add the following line at the bottom

@addTagHelper *, OurHtagEditor

This will make it possible to use the following in your views:

<headline htag="@Model.Headline" />

Depending on your chosen settings on the property editor, it could render:

<h2 style="text-align: left;">This is my nice headline</h2>

The tag helper accepts the attributes class and link. The link attribute accepts the model Link, coming from the Multi URL Picker.

Using both attributes could look like this:

<headline htag="@Model.Headline" class="css-class" link="@Model.Link" />

Which will render:

<a href="" title="Visit" target="_blank" rel="noopener">
    <h2 style="text-align: left;" class="css-class">This is my nice headline</h2>

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